If you’ve been a self-employed creative for any amount of time, you would have heard this advice over and over again:
‘In order to connect with your target audience, you must niche down’. The idea being that the more narrow your niche is, the clearer your messaging and marketing efforts are. And I get it. It seems like legit advice.
But also, at the same time, what if I don’t want to just design egg cups in specific shades of green for 14-16-year-olds living in a specific spot with specific likes? What if my magic is in being more messy than that? What if I follow my inspiration and intuition and MAKE ALL THE THINGS that feel aligned to my creative process, and let the things and my thoughts find the people.
What if I AM THE NICHE? I dunno, maybe I’m just talking crazy here, but I feel like HIYA CREATIVE is about me niching UP to my real damn self.
The biggest lesson I’ve learned as a creative
There's one big lesson I've learned in over two decades in the creative industry. When you’re being your authentic self, you have no competition. You’ll have collaborators and fans and contemporaries, but you’re not competing to be something that someone else already...