I’ve been a creative for 20+ years and if I was just starting out as a creator, this is what I’d do differently.
1. I’d trust my own instincts more. I wish I had the self-assurance of today-me when I was starting out. Who knows what might have happened with the projects I binned because I let the pressure of society or other people steer me in a different direction.
2. I’d learn to fail faster. I used to be so scared of falling on my face that I let it stop me from pursuing things all the way to something bigger. Eventually, I learned that failing is crucial; those are the moments that lead you to the right path.
3. I’d trust the things that feel easy more! We tend to overcomplicate things because we feel we’re not giving enough value. But there’s a reason some things feel easy to us and it’s because those are the things we excel at. They feel easy to us because they are aligned so perfectly with our skills and purpose, but to others they will be a revelation.